You forgot to mention that she also took out her own appendix when she was just 5 using nothing but a nail clipper, a toothpick and some dental floss. She's anything but an amateur at anything. She's a jack off— err, I mean, she's a Jack-of-all-trades.
Her beauty is incomparable. She is honestly one of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen in my life. Fucking Eva Notty would be my ultimate dream fuck.
Eva is not an amateur at anything. She's the consummate professional at all times. She came to my commercial office building and installed a new metal junction box 15 stories up in the elevator shaft and she installed the solar panels on my roof then connected them to the general power grid so I can sell power back to Edison. Once I saw her land an Airbus with one engine, UPSIDE DOWN on the Mississippi River - while it was frozen! Don't even ask how many people she's saved at Cedars Sinai working as an organ transplant surgeon. Mad skills.